Achieving and unlocking the ability to purchase Observation Haki from the Instinct Teacher on Roblox’s Blox Fruits is one of the more sought after goals of the game, and with good reason.
Blox Fruits is all about building up your level and abilities (through fruits), and managing to achieve greatness at both PvE and PvP levels.
Released in July of 2019, Blox Fruits has become one of the most played online games in recent times.
Millions of players and thousands of YouTuber influencers ready to show off their achievements and their sought after mouth watering levels, with millions of likes, shows the popularity of the game.
Observation Haki provides the player the ability to sense opponents, even if they are not in the field of view, and also be able to effectively dodge your opponents blows.
This is almost like invincible mode on most retro games – but not quite!
To get the Observation Haki on Blox Fruit the Thunder Boss, Mob Leader and Saber Expert must be defeated. The Sick Man must be given the Cup to drink, and the Rich Man must be given back his money for The Relic. 750,000 beli are also needed as is a level of 300 or greater to purchase.
Observation Haki, also known by its full name Kenbunshoku Haki, unfortunately doesn’t just require the defeating of Saber Expert and solving the challenging Saber Expert puzzle that comes your way.
That would be too easy of course.
There are other tasks to achieve, rewards to gain and money to have available, before you are given the honor of buying and switching on Observation Haki for your character.
Fastest way to get the Observation Haki on Blox Fruits
Players can grind on Blox Fruits for a long time before they would stumble upon the path to the Observation Haki, but there is a simpler way.
I always find it best to play as a pirate than a marine, but the choice is yours.
The following is the most recognized path to the Haki, but all steps and achievements must be unlocked or you will not be able to buy the ‘Instinct’ skill.
The steps to get the Observation Haki are as follows:
Kill the Thunder Boss
Good skills aren’t simply given to those that ask for them, or by fighting a few opponents and boosting your level.

You will have to earn it.
See the Instinct Teacher and he will instruct you to become stronger on your quest for the skill, and to do this the Thunder Boss needs to be eliminated.
With a 575 level he isn’t going to lay down and give himself up.
It’s a tricky challenge to defeat him but not impossible.
Use any skills and spells you have, don’t just engage with hand to hand melee and expect a win here!
Once defeated you’ll level up, gain 20,000 beli, more strength and experience.
Grab the Torch
Fortunately the next step doesn’t involve killing a boss.
It’s a much simpler task of collecting the torch from the underground bunker, which is just behind the treasure chest.

It’s easy to recognise as it’s next the scripture on the wall:
Lands of Sand
My home does stand
Now dark and grim
Bring light within
Once you have picked up the flaming torch although it will be part of your inventory you will carry it around, so don’t try and put it away. It needs to be held.
The Sick Man and the Cup
With the Thunder Boss defeated, and the torch in the inventory, it’s time to grab the Cup and find the Sick Man.

The cup can be found, again, in another hidden chamber.
It isn’t really hidden to be honest, and quite easily found.
Fruit Box loves its wall scriptures, and the one beside the cup reads:
If Power you seek
Fill the cup from the leak
Left alone in the cold
Is a story to be told
I wonder who writes these clues, but equally it’s pretty obvious that we will need to do something with the cup, and that something is to help the sick man.
The sick man is found in a hut near the sword dealer of the east.

Inside he is crouched on the floor in the corner.
Hand him the cup to drink from, and he will tell you to go find his son for a reward.
Defeat the Mob Leader
Unfortunately once you have found the sick man’s son, known as the Rich Man, he will almost expectedly have some bad news for you.
The Rich Man is no longer rich, and can’t pay you your reward.
Instead he tells you that the Mob Leader has stolen all his money, and if you can help him get it back you can have your reward.
It seems only fair.

Now the Mob Leader fortunately isn’t the most powerful boss you will come across, and only has a level of 120, but he’s fast, agile and knows how to fight.
Once the Mob Leader is defeated, and you go back to tell the, once again, Rich Man of your efforts, he will reward you with the Relic – which looks like a gold cross.
Defeat the Saber Expert
As shiny and pretty the Relic is, it’s actually a useful tool for the next step.
The Relic is actually a key!
In the Jungle one of the rock faces will have a small opening in the shape of the Relic.
Walk up to it, and use the Relic as a key.
Part of the rock face will disappear and inside the Saber Expert is waiting for battle.

Why the Saber Expert decides to conceal himself in the middle of a rock quarry is beyond me, but most things in games are beyond me.
It’s time to go head to head with the Saber Expert, who at level 200 is pretty tough.
Use all spells and skills in combo from your inventory to defeat him.
Buy the Instinct skill
With the Sabre Expert defeated it’s time to go and claim your Observation Haki reward!
Go back and pay a visit to the Instinct Teacher again, and this time he won’t be so dismissive.

He will tell you that Instinct *the Observation Haki) can now be purchased if you have enough Belli.
The price for this Haki is an eye watering 750,000 beli!
So, the player will need to ensure he has enough money to make the purchase, but don’t forget a lot of beli is handed out for taking care of lords and mob bosses, so defeat these and see if the purchase is possible.
With 750,000 beli, all tasks complete and a high enough level attained (level 300 or greater), then Observation Haki will be yours!
What is Observation Haki
There are two main Haki’s in the Blox Fruits game.
The first Haki is the Enhancement Haki. This one is the basic Haki. It costs just 25,000 Beli and for this both defense and attack are slightly increased, making battles and fights a little easier than normal.
This is a good thing of course, especially when you’re fighting multiple opponents at the same time and they just keep coming!
The second is the Observation Haki, which also goes by the third name of ‘Instinct’.
This one is the most sought after. At a cost of 750,000 Beli (!) along with various other things to add to your profile, the player is able to activate a power up of sorts, and be able to sense the presence of opponents and others in the game, as well as be able to dodge attacks.
It may not sound like much, but believe me when playing it can make a lot of difference, and help you progress through the game and the ranks faster.
This is ultimately what we all play Blox Fruits for, right?
What does the Observation Haki do
Observation Haki is much more than just ‘seeing’ or sensing someone when you can’t necessarily see them.
It doesn’t allow you to see through walls as if they were invisible.
With Observation Haki you can sense the presence of anyone near. Their emotions, their strengths and weakness, and sometimes even their intent.
It’s a state of mind, a higher state of consciousness if you will.
In Blox Fruits the main benefit is to dodge your opponent’s attacks.
When you first get the Observation Haki it’s pretty tame and mild, with a maximum of two dodgers available but it can be mastered.
Once mastered and you gain more experience using the Haki, it will give you up to eight dodges per encounter.
Also only once the Observation Haki has been mastered will it allow the player extended sight, and the ability to sense other characters from afar.
Switching on Observation Haki when playing
Finally achieving the Observation Haki is great, but it would also be helpful to know how to use it.
Fortunately it’s easy to switch it on.
During the game simply press ‘G’ to activate.
In Summary: Get Observation Haki on Blox Fruits
It takes time and effort and a lot of grind to achieve Instinct (Observation Haki).
Completing all these tasks is one thing, but it’s also another be at level 300 or more and amass enough beli for the purchase.
Even with the Observation Haki it takes time to master.
Don’t expert magical powers straight away, or become invincible, this Haki simply allows your character to become a better character, a strong player into an even stronger player.
Be patient and grow your skill just like you would grow your player, and great things in the Blox Fruits game will come!